Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mistress Rae Interview

Author Pen Name: Mistress Rae

CA: How did you choose your pen name?

MR: It’s simply just an abbreviation of my full name. Folks either spell it wrong or pronounce it wrong, so….lol.

CA: What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?

MR: I like writing dark paranormal romance, horror, and erotica--sometimes a combination of all three, lol. I enjoy writing stories that are out of the ordinary, which is why I was always fascinated with anything NOT the norm, even when I was a kid. Horror is just plain fun--and not the ‘splatter gore’ and ‘torture porn’ you see nowadays. I enjoy the works of Poe, and a lot of the Roger Corman movies that starred Vincent Price. These are movies that had class! They’re part of my inspiration when I write. I like a lot of the 80’s horror flicks (Freddy, Jason, Michael, Pinhead) and some of the vampire movies of that time as well, like my top fave, The Lost Boys. There’s tons of other horror/vampire movies I like too---these keep my brain revved up, lol.

CA: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

MR: It stared in 3rd grade with a simple writing assignment, using our spelling words for the week.. The assignment didn’t have to be bigger than a paragraph, but I kept writing, and writing, and writing….lol. The teacher was stunned, and handwrote the story on one of those huge sheets of grade school paper, and had it taped outside the classroom door. I was happy for the ‘A’, but just as embarrassed when I got those typical ‘looks’ from my classmates!

CA: Who or what was your inspiration for writing?

MR: Poe. King. Nature (the fall season especially). Current events--depending on what they are, and how bad they seem, help me create ‘what if’ scenarios. Non-fiction books that discuss the legends and lore of the vampire and other supernatural creatures.

CA: What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

MR: I write either in the early morning or very late at night. Rainy days especially. These times are when the business and buzz of the world is at its lowest, and I can concentrate much better.

CA: Your book is about to be sent into the reader world, what is one word that describes how you feel?

MR: Nervous. (But hoping for the absolute best, lol)

CA: What was your biggest challenge in writing your book(s)?

MR: Making sure I had the absolute cleanest typo-free manuscript. Just when I think it’s at its best, I STILL find something I overlooked. That’s my biggest and most annoying bane.

CA: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

MR: I LOVE finding subjects to photograph. I like creating dark, ‘atmospheric’ photos, and have a continuously growing gallery at my website. I also like creating digital art, and designing book covers for individual authors. I like checking out movies every now and then, and going to state parks. If I’m not doing that, I’m working on Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine, which I publish twice a year, along with my Yahoo Group’s bi-annual horror/gothic anthologies.

CA: How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

MR: I’ve written over seven so far, my favorite being my current dark paranormal romance series, ABRAXAS. I’m really having fun with this one, and I have loads of free chapter excerpts and trailers at its webpage, . I have the latest book in the series coming out this summer, and a special Halloween one coming out this fall.

CA: Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?

MR: A few are inspired by folks I know or used to know, but not that many. Most of my characters already come to me, ready-made and ready to speak, lol.

CA: Do you have any advice for the aspiring writers out there?

MR: NEVER stop doing what you love, even when other try to discourage you. Stay away from dream-killers! Remember: ‘Misery loves company’! Associate yourself with folks who share your interests and dreams and who can help you climb up the literary ladder.

CA: How can a reader contact you or purchase your books?

MR: They can contact me through Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, my Yahoo Group, blog or through my website. They can also find my books at I have lots of free chapter excerpts and short stories available there too.

Yahoo Group:

CA: Is there anything you would like to add?

MR: Feel free to explore my website! I have tons of fun things writers of the darker genres might like to know about, especially Dark Gothic Resurrected magazine, which I created especially for ’newbie’ writers, poets, and artists trying to get their feet wet in the literary world. It’s also an outlet for authors to get a free bit of promo for their books, as I have a section dedicated to new and upcoming books from today’s hottest writers. I also invite writers to join my group if they have a love of anything creepy, horrific, or Gothic. My group recently released it’s fourth anthology, “A Look Into The Mirror Darkly”, which is showcased at (just put Cinsearae in the search box) Folks can also check out my own artistic trailers at
Thank you so much for having me here, Crystal!

CA: Mistress Rae, it was a pleasure having you here, I look forward to reading your book and posting the review : ) the interview is very promising and so as I said I look forward to your writing. I am a huge vampire/paranormal fan, so your books are right up my alley! Thanks for being here this week!

1 comment:

Purple Raven said...

OMG! and this was done back in May?? Wow, nice interview, Cinsearae! I seriously need to stalk more blogs, though, lol.