Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kevin Hughes

Author Pen Name: Charles Porter for Just Another Shade of Blue, but Kevin Hughes for the latest ones.

CA: How did you choose your pen name?

KH: It’s a combination of my middle name, a nickname and the nickname of the aunt who raised my mother. But I only used it for my first novel until I found an agent and she convinced me that using my real name was better for marketing, at least on the local level.

CA: What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?

KH: Well, I suppose the official genre is mystery/ thriller/ suspense, but Casualty Crossing would also fit into the character study category. I write about what I know and my day job affords me a lot of experiences that generate some very interesting plots. Fiction seems to be my forte and one of the reasons I prefer to write a tale versus nonfiction is because I’m the one who decides the ending.

CA: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

KH: I was never much of a reader until I was 18 and read The New Centurions by Joseph Wambaugh. He’s the writer who made me a dedicated reader and it was around that time that I just knew deep inside I would write a novel one day.

CA: Who or what was your inspiration for writing?

KH: Hmm … that’s hard to explain. Something inside of me triggered the urge and once I started, I was hooked.

CA: What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

KH: Absolutely insane.

CA: Your book is about to be sent into the reader world, what is one word that describes how you feel?

KH: Accomplished.

CA: What was your biggest challenge in writing your book(s)?

KH: Getting published. The book biz is brutal and although you expose a little of yourself in your work, you can’t (at least that’s what I’m told) take the rejections and criticism personal.

CA: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

KH: I love my day job, so I’m very lucky. When I’m not working, I enjoy reading and traveling.

CA: How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

KH: I’ve written three and the fourth will be released in 2010. My favorite? That’s tough, because in a way all of them are my favorite, but I think for now it’s Dogging Truth. But, when Archer is released next year, I have a hunch that might go to the top of the list … at least until I write the one that follows.

CA: Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?

KH: My standard and straight-faced response is that all of my characters are fictional. (Okay, perhaps they’re influenced a little by my life experience.)

CA: Do you have any advice for the aspiring writers out there?

KH:If you are truly a writer, never give up. Ever. And while you’re at it, find a good editor—it’s worth the expense.

CA: How can a reader contact you or purchase your books?

KH: Gee, I just happen to have a few links: my email is; to order my novels you can hit my website for links at or through my publisher at Amazon also lists my stuff and most bookstores will be happy to order any of the titles you choose. (Naturally, I suggest you purchase all of them and if you like them, post your comments on the Amazon site.)

CA: Is there anything you would like to add?

KH: Yeah, Crystal Adkins rocks.

CA: LOL, thanks Kevin : )


Anonymous said...

Nice interview also read the review. When will Dogging Truth be out?

Unknown said...

Hi there,

I am a TV production researcher with m2 Pictures in Hampton, VA. I am trying to reach Mr. Kevin Hughes, and the email addresses he listed are not valid any longer.

It might be a long shot, but if you know of another way to contact him, please let me know! I am interested in talking with him about one of his cases.

Great interview--definitely enjoyed it!


Lauren Horton
757-722-1400 x235