Saturday, March 22, 2008

Interview with Shunta Montgomery/Capri Montgomery

Shunta’s book The Bride Wore Black was a great read, if you’re interested in a little turmoil, oh for example planning your ex-husband’s wedding..then this is the book for you! So don’t

Author Pen Name: Shunta Montgomery/Capri Montgomery

CA: What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?

SM: I write a plethora of genres. From sci-fi, mystery, suspense, contemporary to erotic romance and beyond. I started writing erotic romance because it’s what was contracting at the time, and I wanted to see if I could do it. But I think the genres of mystery and suspense-romance along with contemporary are my favorite genres to write because I really love creating the storyline.

I have been writing for over twenty years and I think the main reason I started writing was to get some of the movies in my head down on paper. I have always been a dreamer and I loved to read, so when I first started writing it was really just my way of putting some of those daydreams down on paper for future reading.

CA: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

SM: I guess you can say that I never realized that I wanted to be a writer. Since I had been writing for so long, I just really saw my writing as my release, and something I did for fun. I managed to get a few short pieces in local magazines and papers for school on occasion, but I never really said to myself, “I want to be a writer.” When I first really started to publish some of my bigger works it was more at the insistence of my mother. She thought that I should “do something with my story.” That was the first novel I had written. She loved it so much that she pushed me to try submitting it to publishing companies. And I guess that’s about the time when writing became less about being something that I did because I loved to do it, and more about something that I did for recognition. I’m happy to say that I’ve found a balance between the two and I’m back to writing simply because I love to do it. But, if a little recognition comes my way…I’m not going to turn it down.

CA: Who or what was your inspiration for writing?

SM: My inspiration is more like a what—daydreams of a growing little girl. I loved to read Agatha Christie books, so I think that’s one of the reasons I started off writing fiction with mystery. Before that I had written poetry. But as I grew older my mystery started to take on a little hint of romance. As one of my publishers said, I’m a shipper. I love creating relationships. Getting older I started to realize romantic entanglements between leads, and I learned how to successfully work that in to whatever main plot was going on.

CA: What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

SM: Schedule…what’s that? Seriously, I don’t really have a work schedule for writing. I have so many other responsibilities outside the home that I don’t have the luxury of setting an exact day and time aside for my writing. Generally what I tend to do is write when I can. Since I start my first draft of every story on paper, and not on the computer, I can write on my lunch break, before a meeting or while I’m in the waiting room at my doctor’s office.

CA: Your book is about to be sent into the reader world, what is one word that describes how you feel?

SM: Excited.

CA: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

SM: Art and photography, which actually go hand in hand for me. Most of my art is of the photographic nature and I love being in the darkroom to process, but I do some painting and mixed media work as well. I love to work on my art when I’m not doing any writing.

CA: How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

SM: Over the years I have written more books than even I have kept track of. Remarkably I still have them all in a box…except for a few. My favorite book is probably my first novel, which was never released. The title is Full Circle . It was my first full length novel in first person point of view. I still like going back and reading that one.

CA: Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?

SM: It depends really. In Full Circle , my lead and a few other people were inspired by real people—especially Eddie. He was right down to the core a spitting image of a guy I used to work with. But in some books the majority of my characters are made up in my dream world. The lead usually has a little more of my personality than not, but to pick up on which aspects are me and which aren’t, you’d really have to know me.

CA: How can a reader contact you or purchase your books?

SM: The best way to contact me is to check out my Web site or MySpace page at:

And to buy my books:
Or: where you’ll find Addicted: Journal of a Sex Goddess.

Thank you, Crystal .

CA: Thank you sweetie for sharing yourself with the readers this week!!
Hugs, Crystal


Anonymous said...

HI Shunta I just read the review for your book that crystal did, I am on my way to gettin a copy!
-- Reading Is Fun

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I hope you like it. I had a ton of fun writing this one.

Unknown said...

you know if i ever got married i always htought i would wear black :) ,i know i know,im weird LOL

Anonymous said...

Actually, way back in the day women did wear black. Besides, who says you have to wear white? Me...I think I might go for red.

Anonymous said...

Reading- glad you liked the review ;O)

Capri-I could tell you had fun writing it, and who says you have to wear white? Red could be very very cool!

Blackroze- that is not weird! Black can be beautiful and classy ;)

Anonymous said...

I guess the biggest issue isn't the dress color, but whether or not both parties show up and say I do ;o)

Yes, Crystal, I had so much fun writing this one.

Have a great day everybody!