Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dr. Jim Hardt Virtual Book Tour March 10th

Virtual Book Tour Interview:

Author Pen Name: Dr. Jim Hardt

CA: What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?

Dr. Jim Hardt: The Science Of Spiritual States is my greatest passion. However, I have
Also written poetry and science fiction.

I write about Science Of Spiritual States in order to share my knowledge and to teach about the amazing discoveries from my research work at major Universities (Carnegie-Mellon University and University of California at San Francisco), Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute and Biocybernaut Institute. In one way you could say I write to help end suffering.

So many people are traumatized and are suffering - some quietly and others more noisily, that I want to share my knowledge to help these people and their friends and families. The work of Biocybernaut Institute can help people make profound transformations and open their hearts and experience deep and lasting forgiveness. One famous spiritual teacher is Drunvalo Melchizedek, travels and teaches all over the world. He says that 95% of his students cannot get the fullness of his teachings because they are so wounded emotionally and spiritually. He says that the most powerful emotional healing method he has found is the Biocybernaut Institute brain wave training, starting with Alpha One.

I lead 1-3 of these week-long trainings every month and I see, up close, the pain and the hurt in almost everyone. I also see that even the most well-meaning of these people do not have a clue about how to reduce or eliminate their suffering. By the end of the week they surely understand how to end suffering and they have practiced the techniques for forgiveness and are now experiencing radiant joy and expanding love for people they may have loathed just a week earlier.

I write about these weekly miracles of healing to spread the word and to give people hope that there is a way that is available for them to end suffering and to live in happiness and joy.

CA: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

Dr. Jim Hardt: I first realized I wanted to be a writer when my 8th grade teacher gave us an assignment to write a poem. She said it had to be at least 12 lines long. I went home and began to write in 4 line stanzas with rhymes. By the start of school the next day I had written over 150 lines of a poem titled Trees which had deep themes of birth and life and purpose that astonished my 8th grade teacher. I had written about trees as an enduring consciousness on our planet that noted and felt compassion for the growing pains of the Human species. Her supportive reaction as my teacher reified the deep resonances that had awakened in me in that night of feverishly inspired writing about the collective and timeless consciousness of trees. I had written about how trees were like silent witnesses to humanity’s ascent in consciousness and how trees had been there to watch when humans discovered fire. A fire began to burn in me about consciousness and I wanted to share that passion with others, and writing seemed effective in reaching and touching others. Later I was to hear Ram Dass say, “The only activity with any intrinsic and absolute worth is that of becoming more conscious.” I was drawn into researching brain waves and advanced spiritual states of consciousness and have seen such dramatic improvements in people’s lives that I am moved to write about these discoveries to let people know there are realistic options to fighting and suffering.

CA: Who or what was your inspiration for writing?

Dr. Jim Hardt: My greatest inspiration for writing was a breakthrough into profound altered states of consciousness through alpha brain wave feedback training at University of California at San Francisco, the Medical School. A technician forgot me in the feedback chamber and my session went on for hours, and I had out of body experience, ego disintegration and other experiences usually seen only in very advanced meditation and prayer. This experience and the inspiration it has given me are described in greater detail at:

CA: What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

Dr. Jim Hardt: My work schedule when writing words or computer code is radically shifted from the norm. I become nocturnal. I start to come alive around sunset and by 9:00 PM or 10:00 PM I am feeling alive and ready to write. Once I start, a passion comes over me and I can usually go past dawn to 9 or 10 AM. Now I know that the act of creation only occurs in a High Alpha Brain Wave state so I carefully prepare the conditions so that my alpha will be high when the time comes to write. Details of how to prepare for extended creative bursts can be found in my book, The Art of Smart Thinking.

CA: What is one word that describes how you feel when your book is about to be sent out into the reader world?

Dr. Jim Hardt: I feel a sense of Fulfillment.

CA: How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

Dr. Jim Hardt: The Art of Smart Thinking is the first complete book I have written. There were book chapters that I wrote previously, but this one is the first whole book.

CA: Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?

Dr. Jim Hardt: The books I write in the Spiritual Science arena do not have characters per se. They do have stories about real people who have used their time in Biocybernaut brain wave training chambers to profoundly and beneficially transform themselves and their lives, often, in the process, transforming their relationships with family, friends and colleagues. When the reality is so profound there is no need to invent characters. Some of our trainees have or develop the brain wave patterns that allow them to see angels or have out of body experiences or to have Kundalini awakenings or full Satori experiences. To be in the presence of such experiences is exhilarating and is an amazing blessing. It is inspiring to be able to share about such transformations through writing and in other ways. One such other way in our new Audience Training.

We are now planning to hold Audience trainings March 27-April 2 and May 3-9 so people from the general public can come to watch and vicariously experience the high psychotechnology and the high magic that is a Biocybernaut Alpha training program. For only $495 the members of the audience can attend a Master Class in consciousness awakening and personal transformation that will inspire them with the examples of forgiveness and compassion from the brave people willing to this deep training in public for the benefit of the members of an audience. Each week-long Audience training and Master Class will be the topic for a new book and will include interviews with the participants in their homes in the week before their training and again several months later. The interviews will document the ways in which the Biocybernaut trainees integrate their profound transformations into their lives and the lives of their friends and families.

CA: Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Dr. Jim Hardt: Creativity and inspiration in writing is simply a matter of having the right brain waves. Knowing how to increase your own alpha brain waves is the Mother Skill that gives birth to all other forms of creativity, including creative writing. There are many ways of increasing your alpha brain waves, including meditation. But the best and the fastest method is to take the 1-week Alpha One brain wave training at Biocybernaut Institute. There your unconscious and forgotten and festering emotional wounds will be gently and lovingly cared for while you learn how to do the deep forgiveness work that will cause those wounds to vanish from your life. Sure there are many techniques for aspiring writers, but the Mother Skill is that from which all creativity is born - learning how to create, turn on and sustain Higher Alpha levels in your own brain.

CA: How can a reader contact you or purchase your books?

Dr. Jim Hardt: A reader can contact me through the Biocybernaut website at
or through the telephone at the Northern California training center:
408-969-9912. Alternatively, my assistant Terese Iaquinta has
a company cell phone for times when the training center is
busy or not open or in between trainings: 408-726-9855

The best way to purchase books is through
However we do have a means on our website for purchases.

CA: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Dr. Jim Hardt: While it has been a significant investment to publish this book ourselves and to market the book ourselves, I honestly can say that it is a wonderful experience to have. I can better influence how the book is perceived and where it gets publicity. I am directly connected to its progress and I feel a happy responsibility for the outcome of our efforts. Some of the professionals involved in the marketing effort were also astonished at the powerful and sustained results we achieved in sales at So astonished were they, that they asked to interview me about how I felt with this amazing and unexpected degree of success.

Because I had to formulate my thoughts and feelings for that interview in early January, I can now more fully recall and re-create my experience here for you.

It was an entirely new kind of pleasure that I had never experienced before in my life. Many people could understand the idea of a new kind of pleasure in life as being, for example, a new zesty exotic flavor, or an amazing new position in sex, or a deeper level of love and commitment with a partner, or the blessed birth of a child, or the attainment of a great and enduring life-success for one’s child.

The new kind of pleasure I had was none of these, but maybe was more than all of these and probably closest to that last one listed: the attainment of a great and enduring life-success for one’s child.

I’ve labored, often unpaid or underpaid, for over 30 years to bring forth a technology for the spiritual awakening of humanity. In this quest I’ve raised and dedicated about $11 million. For the first 20 years in this work I was so far out ahead of my culture and university colleagues as to be considered a very dedicated oddity. But here in the closing days of 2007, the book describing my life’s work was winning hundreds and even thousands of new people to their own awakening into the vast and beautiful possibilities for their own higher consciousness and a better, happier life for themselves and their friends and families.

A strange new pleasurable feeling began to seep into my awareness. It did not have a name and it was utterly new in my experience. I did not even know what to call it. Without a name for it, I was left marveling at the wonder of it. When the interviewer asked me how I felt about this unexpected success of my book, some of my new pleasurable feelings crystallized into words. Part of it was joy that the good news (of a method for broad and easy access, by ordinary people, to formerly forbiddingly unattainable advanced spiritual states) was being heard by thousands of my fellow human beings.

Part of it was relief that a message and a knowledge that I had nurtured, developed, protected and carried for so many decades, almost alone, was now gaining a wider audience, so that it was less likely to be lost. Knowledge can easily be lost, and has been lost all too often in the past. But now I felt relief and joy with thousands of new people excitedly discovering the existence of a publicly-available Technology and Method for healing emotional wounds, empowering effective forgiveness, reversing aging in the brain, boosting IQ and creativity and enabling rapid access to advanced spiritual states. This knowledge that I had been carrying almost alone, for decades was now almost flying out into our culture,- reaching a wider and more general audience than I had ever known before, and therefore the danger of the loss of this knowledge was being dramatically reduced. It was a little bit like one’s child securing a stable, beneficial and enduring position in life from which they could then do the work of healing many others.

For me one of the greatest joys is helping people to heal their emotional and psychic wounds and then go on into states of happiness, joy and bliss. As the book sales expanded into the 1,000s I felt contentment and a fulfillment in being able to bring this good news to many many people. It was an acknowledgement that my sacrifices in so many areas of my life had been worthwhile. My labors were bearing fruit and knowledge of better ways to organize your own mind and personality and spiritual seeking were becoming known to thousands of my fellow human beings. I felt joy, happiness and fulfillment in being able to tell other people about better ways to forgive and to deepen love, compassion and understanding. Sharing the good news with thousands of new people was an almost unspeakable new joy. A certain part of me that had been working ceaselessly toward this goal was, finally, able to relax. The warmth of contentment spread throughout my entire awareness and I was at peace.

I felt that I had successfully set into motion something that could now not ever be stopped. I felt that “ignition” had occurred for a new stage of the consciousness development of humanity. I felt that the awakening of humanity had now become inevitable. The forces of ego and darkness would no longer prevail. People were finally going to discover how to self-regulate their own brain activity and thus discover the greatest freedom they had ever had. Instead of being like bound and gagged prisoners in the trunk of the vehicle of their own lives, they now had the potential to remove the gags and the ropes and shackles and to move into the driver’s seat of the vehicle of their own lives and to steer in new directions and to attain new and better outcomes in their lives. Vivekananda, in his book Raja Yoga, says, “The goal of every soul is freedom and mastery” and I saw that this goal will now be attained very broadly throughout the ranks of humankind.

Of course, there are many things that I would do differently next time I decide to self-publish, such as to contract with a shipping company for a better rate than “retail” shipping, but I did not know those things before I started.

Our plan was simple: a targeted marketing campaign based on an email sales letter that was professionally written by a copywriter. We did not predict the hugely successful results; however, we did strongly intend for a successful outcome. My staff was extremely supportive and enthusiastic about making the book happen and to make the book a chart-topper. I give them a lot of credit for taking on the project with me and for making it a reality and a great success!


Unknown said...

very nice interview! i enjoyed it!
nice to meet you ddr jim hardt!

Cheryl said...

Great interview! I wish you and your book much success.
